
4 Boroughs have Left Zurich and A Resident's Experience

Zurich Insurance Plc Fire Claim London Insurance Consortium had originally spent £10,000,000 for its building insurance with Zurich Insurance Plc. Since then 4 boroughs have left the Zurich Insurance. Unfortunately Camden Council still uses Zurich for its building insurance even if it is a very bad investment according to a resident who has ongoing problems for the last 17 months without home, 7 relocations, endless stress and poor quality of workmanship. Read the resident's experience at


Stage 2 - Notice of Proposal to enter into a Long-Term Agreement for the provision of Buildings Insurance

The following letter was sent to the residents of the Curnock Street Estate regarding the stage 2 of the Notice of Proposal to enter into a Long-Term Agreement for the provision of Buildings Insurance.



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