The Freedom of Information department told us that 4 boroughs have signed the contract with Zurich Municipal but Mr Mike Edmund, Head Of Leaseholders Services said 7 boroughs joined together in order to save money!
London Insurance Consortium had originally spent £10,000,000 for its building insurance with Zurich Insurance Plc. Since then 4 boroughs have left the Zurich Insurance. Unfortunately Camden Council still uses Zurich for its building insurance even if it is a very bad investment according to a resident who has ongoing problems for the last 17 months without home, 7 relocations, endless stress and poor quality of workmanship. Read the resident's experience at
The following letter was sent to the residents of the Curnock Street Estate regarding the stage 2 of the Notice of Proposal to enter into a Long-Term Agreement for the provision of Buildings Insurance.
The following letter and documents were sent to all the leaseholders of the estate regarding the Long Term Agreement for the Provision of Leasehold Building Insurance