Sent: 06 August 2013 18:08
Cc: , , ,
Subject: FW: Unhealthy situation in Goldthorpe
Dear Resident,
Thank you for your email below concerning the unhealthy situation in Goldthorpe. I was asked by Justin Hunt, the Head of Estate Services to address and respond to your concerns as a matter of urgency.
I can confirm that the green eurobins outside of Goldthorpe were not emptied on Thursday 1 August and Monday 5 August 2013. For this reason, both bins were completely overflowing and residents had no other option but to place their rubbish on the ground around the bins (as seen in your photo attachment).
I reported the above issue to my colleagues in the Environmental Services Team last week, yesterday and again today in order for them to address the issue. Unfortunately Veolia, Camden’s waste collection contractor were unable to move the bins to the waste collection point in Camden Street because of vehicles parked on Curnock Estate which belong to the contractors carrying out the works at the rear of Goldthorpe. I have spoken to John Wilson, the site manager of where these works are taking place and have asked him to ensure that the area is free of obstructing parked vehicles on Mondays and Thursdays from 08:00 – 12:00 in order for the waste collection at Goldthorpe to regularly take place.
I arranged to have the piles of rubbish around the bins and those bags in the bins which cause the lids to remain upright removed by a Veolia mobile team that are responsible for removing fly-tips on Curnock Estate. These bags were removed but I noticed that more bags and a small amount of wood were next to the bins this morning, presumably because the bins were full. I arranged to have these items removed and have copied my colleagues at Environmental Services into this email to help ensure the waste collection takes place tomorrow morning.
Paul Carty, the usual caretaker for Goldthorpe is away at present and in his absence, I have asked Peter Philips, the covering caretaker to visit Goldthorpe and bring the staircase up to the required cleansing standard. I will also inspect the staircase tomorrow to ensure the cleaning takes place.
If you wish to speak with me concerning any of the above issues or would like to contact me in the future to discuss any issues on Curnock Estate, please feel free to contact me direct on 07917 052 391.
I hope the above information is useful.
Kind Regards
Fraser Valdez
Estate Services Supervisor
Housing Management
Housing and Adult Social Care
London Borough of Camden
Mobile: 07917 052 391
24 St Paul's Crescent
24 St Paul's Crescent
London NW1 9XL
Please consider the environment before printing this email.
On the 06th August 2013 at 12:44 we sent the following email:
To: Susan.O' ,
Cc: ,
Subject: Unhealthy situation in Goldthorpe
Dear Mr Ahmed and Ms O'Hara,
The pile of rubbish outside the Goldthorpe building for the last 8-9 days is very high and all over the place. The rubbish has not been collected for more than a week now and it is a health hazard especially since very young kids play on that area. Please check the attached images.
Also please check the images inside the Goldthorpe building. The whole stairs are sticky and dirty.
I would appreciate if you could do something about those issues so the infestation problem is reduced.
Many thanks in advance for your help.
Yours sincerely,
CSE Group