On the 10-06-2013 at 22:47 we sent the following email:
To: Amran.Ahmed@camden.gov.uk , Susan.O'Hara@Camden.gov.uk
Cc: Vicky.Morris@camden.gov.uk , Roger.Robinson@camden.gov.uk
Subject: Unhealthy situation that is dangerous
Dear Mr Ahmed and Ms O’Hara,
The situation in Goldthorpe and outside the estate regarding the rubbish is dangerous, unhealthy and unpleasant. See attached photos.
The area outside the refuse room in Goldthorpe, between flat 3 and 21, is full with rubbish from the floor to the ceiling and from the wall to the main door. The refuse room is equally full. Residents throw their rubbish behind the door, outside the refuse room and generally everywhere. The situation on Pratt Street is equally unpleasant since everybody is using the recycling area for general rubbish disposal.
At the moment we have rats, mice and cockroaches. What else do we have to get before the council takes some action?
1) When will you clean the refuse room areas?
2) When will you inform residents inside the estate as well as on Pratt Street about the proper disposal areas for their rubbish?
3) What will you do about the infestation on the buildings and flats?
I hope I hear from you within the day (11th June 2013) otherwise I will take any action necessary to protect our health and well being. Camden Council has the obligation to keep the communal areas clean and safe even if it has to impose penalties to tenants that are not behaving properly.
May I also suggest the temporary closure of the refuse room between flats 3 and 21 until the major works finish so your cleaning services have better access to the area?
Yours sincerely
On the 11-06-2013 at 08:31 we received the following email:
From: Roger.Robinson@camden.gov.uk
To: Amran.Ahmed@camden.gov.uk , Susan.O'Hara@Camden.gov.uk
Cc: Vicky.Morris@camden.gov.uk
Subject: RE: Unhealthy situation that is dangerous
Dear Amran and Susan
I have already yesterday emailed the DHO re rats in Warmsworth block and also emailed Stuart Dilley once I had a response from Pest Control re sorting out the repairs necessary on the estate where rats were entering the block….I wait for his reply.
The refuse room should be tidied and cleared immediately as it is a real mess and disgrace.
I would be grateful form this urgent action via the DHO …..please advise
Cllr Roger Robinson
On the 11-06-2013 at 09:52 we received the following email:
From: Justin.Hunt@camden.gov.uk
To: Vicky.Morris@camden.gov.uk , Amran.Ahmed@camden.gov.uk , Susan.O'Hara@Camden.gov.uk , Robinson, Roger.Robinson@camden.gov.uk , Jack.Farnham@camden.gov.uk
Subject: FW: Unhealthy situation that is dangerous
Dear Cllr Robinson,
Thank you for your e-mail. We are currently working on a more detailed solution in regarding the petition, however, I have asked the Caretakers to jet the bins stores following your request and this should be completed in the next couple of days with Goldthorpe completed today.
Please let me know if you have any further concerns.
On the 11-06-2013 at 10:24 we received the following email:
From: Vicky.Morris@camden.gov.uk
To: Justin.Hunt@camden.gov.uk , Amran.Ahmed@camden.gov.uk , Susan.O'Hara@Camden.gov.uk , Roger.Robinson@camden.gov.uk , Jack.Farnham@camden.gov.uk
Subject: RE: Unhealthy situation that is dangerous
Dear Resident,
Please see below an update from Justin Hunt, Head of Estate Services.
Best regards
Vicky Morris
Ward Housing Manager
Telephone: 020 7974 4269
On the 11-06-2013 at 10:39 we sent the following email:
To: Vicky.Morris@camden.gov.uk
Cc: Justin.Hunt@camden.gov.uk , Jack.Farnham@camden.gov.uk , Susan.O'Hara@Camden.gov.uk , Roger.Robinson@camden.gov.uk , Amran.Ahmed@camden.gov.uk
Subject: RE: Unhealthy situation that is dangerous
Dear Ms Morrris,
Thank you for your quick update.
Would it be possible to also do the following in order to improve the situation further?
1) Temporary close the refuse room between flat 3 and 21 in Goldthorpe. The reason is that the access for the refuse lorries has been completely blocked by the current major works (refurbishment of the boiler room). If the refuse room is not closed then next week we will have the same problem.
2) Take action to clean the area below the ground floor stairs. The mice are hiding on the gap between the stairs and the wall. I saw a few this morning.
3) Inform residents for the proper disposal for their rubbish and the best way to obtain a fob key so they can access the refuse rooms. A lot of the tenants are students who are not aware of the correct procedures. In my opinion these letters have to be sent three times in a year (August, December and March). If you would like help in this matter I am willing to help via the website or by displaying some posters on the estate.
Yours sincerely
On the 11-06-2013 at 10:50 we received the following email:
From: Vicky.Morris@camden.gov.uk
Cc: Justin.Hunt@camden.gov.uk , Jack.Farnham@camden.gov.uk , Susan.O'Hara@Camden.gov.uk , Roger.Robinson@camden.gov.uk , Amran.Ahmed@camden.gov.uk , Gary.Nicholls@camden.gov.uk
Subject: RE: Unhealthy situation that is dangerous
Dear Resident,
Thank you for your offer to help with posters etc. Susan/Justin can you please advise on the first 2 points. Amran/Gary please liaise and prepare a strongly worded letter for delivery and also look at producing some posters.
Many thanks
Vicky Morris
Ward Housing Manager
Telephone: 020 7974 4269