Formal Notice Of Increase Of Rent

Formal Notice Of Increase Of Rent The following letter was sent to the Council Tenants of the Mexborough building on the Curnock Estate. The original document can be found on this link.

London Borough of Camden
Bidborough House
38-50 Bidborough Street
London WC1H9DB

23 February 2011

Pratt Street
London NW1 OBL

Tel: 020 7974 2390



Property Address: Mexborough, Pratt Street, London, NW1 OBL

The CouncirsJDaJpjnet has decided to increase rents and charges from 4 April 2011.
I, the undersigned, for and on behalf of the Mayor and Burgesses of the London Borough of Camden, hereby give you notice that on 4 April 2011, the weekly charges for the premises described above, of which you are the tenant, will be increased as shown overleaf.

This rent increase will be presented to full Council on 28 February 2011 as part of the report for agreement of the Council's budget for 2011/12, including the Housing Revenue Account. If the Council requires a change to the rent level, then a further notice will be issued before 4 April 2011, specifying the new rent and start date. However, if no such notice is issued, then the rent specified in this notice will come into effect on 4 April 2011.

You may choose to terminate your tenancy as a result of the increase in rent and this Notice shall then have no effect provided that a valid four-week Notice to Quit is given by you to the Council on or before 3 April 2011.

Yours sincerely,

Mike Cooke
Director of Housing & Adult Social Care

New Charges from 4 April 2011

Basic Rent 65.17
Water Charge 3.60
Heating Charge 7.91
Caretaker Service 7.98
Mobile Security Patrol Communal Lighting 0.56
Grounds Maintenance 0.92
Digital TV Reception 0.87

Total Charge £87.86

If you are already in receipt of Housing Benefit, it will be recalculated automatically to take this increase into account.

You will receive a further notification in late March 2011 of the weekly amount payable, which will include Housing Benefit if it is applicable to you.


• Tenants are reminded that if a Notice to Quit is served on the Council, the Council may regain possession of the premises at the expiration of the Notice.
• Notice to any occupier who is not a secure tenant. The service of this Notice does not in any way either expressly or impliedly create or indicate the creation of a new tenancy.
• LANDLORD & TENANT ACT 1987; SECTION 48: If you wish to serve a notice on the Council
(including notices in legal proceedings) it should be served at:
Camden Town District Housing Office, The Crowndale Centre, 218 Eversholt Street, London, NW1 1BD
• This notice only applies to you if you are a tenant of the Council.

London Borough of Camden
Bidborough House
38-50 Bidborough Street
London, WC1H9DB
Tel:- 020 7974 2390

February 2011

Dear Tenant,

Your Rent and Service Charges from 4 April 2011

I am writing to tell you about the Council's decision to increase your rent from 4 April 2011. As in previous years the Government is withdrawing funding, providing an incentive to the Council to increase rents in line with their "rent restructuring" policy. The average rent increase from 4 April 2011 will be 7.1%. Parking and service charges will increase by 7.1% and sheds will increase to £2 per week. Your new weekly charges are set out in the attached formal notice of increase.

The service charge for integrated digital television will be extended to cover approximately 2000 tenants who had the service installed for the first time during the last year. This charge will be eligible for Housing Benefits.

If you are already receiving Housing Benefit it will be adjusted automatically to take account of the rent increase and service charges, so there is no need to contact the Housing Benefits office. If you are not currently receiving Housing Benefit your new rent may mean that you may now be eligible. If you would like a claim form please contact: Housing Benefits Section, Camden Town Hall Extension, Argyle Street, WC1H 8NJ. Telephone 020 7974 5766 (answer phone) or visit Camden's website:

Heating Charges

A comprehensive review of heating charges has been carried out with the aim of more closely linking charges to consumption, whilst retaining the benefits of the heating pool for the estates with district heating systems. From 4 April therefore, the level of increases will vary depending on both the block and the number of bedrooms in a property. The maximum increase for any individual tenant's heating charge will be limited to £1 per week and approximately 20% of tenants will have a reduction in heating charges.

It is anticipated that a surplus will accrue in the heating pool in 2010/11 and the Council have decided that the equivalent of 5 weeks heating charges will be refunded to tenants. The refund will be credited to tenants' rent accounts at the end of the financial year.

Water Charges

Thames Water pic fixes your water charge and is independent of the Council.
Your water charges are currently based on Thames' Assessed Household Charge
which is lower than if charges were based on the rateable value of your property.
The weekly Assessed Household Charges for the financial year 2011/12 are as follows:

For properties with one occupant only:

All properties (any number of bedrooms) £3.60

For properties with more than one occupant:

Bedsit & 1 bedroom properties £4.56
2 bedroom properties £4.85
3 or more bedroom properties £5.83

The weekly water charge is calculated by dividing the annual amount due by 52.
If you are currently charged at the single occupancy rate and there is more than one occupant in your property you should inform the Council so that the correct charge can be applied.

Charges from 4 April 2011

A new notification of the weekly amount due from 4 April 2011 will be sent to you in late March. If you are currently receiving Housing Benefit your new entitlement from 4 April 2011 will be included in the notification. If you have any queries please contact the Rent Accounting Team on the number above.

Yours sincerely,

Mike Cooke
Director of Housing and Adult Social Care
