Faulty Closer on the The Marr Entry Door - REF 1734530-1

Entry Door System in The Marr On the 02nd September 2014, we have informed the council's repairs team about the faulty closer on the entry door of The Marr building (REF 1734530-1).

The repair is scheduled for Thursday 4th September 2014 between 09:00 and 11:00am.

On 10-09-2014 at 08:05am we received the following e-mail from the repairs team:
From: rscRFTRepairs@camden.gov.uk
To: info@curnockestate.com
CC: RFTReplies@camden.gov.uk
Subject: FW: Report your housing repair online

Good Morning

Thanks for your email regarding the communal front entrance door to the block, a new door closure was ordered and is not yet in, as soon as that is received by us the operative will attend to install this


Dawn Luke-Clarke
Culture and Customers
